Cesar E. Chavez National Monument

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Quick Overview

This is the audio-only, described version of the park’s official print brochure in English. The text in the print version is presented side-by-side in English and Spanish. 

The brochure contains text, photos and a map. Side one focuses on the life of César Chávez and the history of the farm workers movement. Side two provides information about visiting the site. The brochure is about 8.5 inches high by 24 inches wide. It is folded accordion-style into six sections, or panels, each about 8.5 inches by 4 inches.

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Side One Overview

A 1-inch-wide black band, similar to other National Park Service brochures, extends vertically across the left edge of the page. When the brochure is turned so the black band runs horizontally, white text in the black band reads, left to right: "César E. Chávez," "National Park Service," "U.S. Department of the Interior," "National Monument," "California."  A brown, green, and white National Park Service arrowhead logo appears at far right.

The opened brochure is divided into six sections, or panels, bounded by the folds. Each panel is devoted to a different subject, and contains text in both English and Spanish as well as photos with captions. 

Running across the bottom of the opened brochure is a single horizontal black-and-white photo of agricultural workers in a field. The caption reads, "Farm laborers in California." The photo fades into the background of the brochure and the text for each of the brochure’s folded sections. Most of the twelve workers pictured are bent over long rows of low-growing crops. On the right, above a portion of this photo is a color photo of a small agricultural hoe with a wooden handle. The caption reads, "Use of this short-handled hoe—"el cordito"—forced laborers to stoop and twist for hours at a time."

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TEXT and IMAGE: Introduction

The left panel with the black band also contains, top to bottom, a quotation in large red text, a small color photo of green grapes, and a photo portrait of Chávez. 

The quotation reads in English, "The fight is never about grapes or lettuce. It is always about people. —César Estrada Chávez." The Spanish translation appears directly below.

The black-and-white portrait of Chávez shows him in the 1950s or 60s. He wears a straw hat and striped shirt, and has a shovel balanced across the back of his shoulders. He is looking to his left toward a distant scene. 

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IMAGE and TEXT: Yes, We Can!

This is the panel second from left. 

At top is a black-and-white photo showing a line of protesters walking from right to left across the scene. They wear work clothes and straw hats and carry flags and protest signs. The caption reads, "Delano to Sacramento march, 1966.

Another photo at top shows a red flag with a white circle in the center. Within the white circle is a black geometrically shaped eagle. The caption reads, "UFW flag."

A title reads, "Yes, We Can!"

Beneath the title text reads, "For much of our nation’s history, the people who labor to put food on our table were out of sight and mind, powerless to confront the industry and laws that worked against them. Out of the dusty California fields, César Chávez, Dolores Huerta, Larry Itliong, and countless others built a movement that brought migrant workers to the attention of the world. Established in 2012, César E. Chávez National Monument commemorates the life and work of this great American and the ongoing struggle for human rights."

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IMAGE and TEXT: First-Generation American

This panel is third from left. 

At top is a black-and-white photo of seven children of various ages, four girls and three boys. They are sitting on and in front of an old car. To the right is a separate black-and-white portrait of Chávez in a navy uniform. The caption for both photos reads, "With siblings in California, 1930s, and in US Navy, 1946."

Below the photos, a title reads, "First-Generation American."

Below the title text reads, "César Estrada Chávez was born in 1927 to Mexican immigrants outside Yuma, Arizona. The family lost their farm during the Great Depression of the 1930s. They soon joined the hundreds of thousands of other migrant laborers streaming into California from the Southwest and Midwest. César quit school after the eighth grade but never lost his love for learning. He was a lifelong avid reader. He joined the US Navy in 1946 and served in the Western Pacific. In 1948 he married Helen Fabela, whom he met while working in fields and vineyards, and they made their home in San Jose."

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IMAGE and TEXT: A Voice for Farm Workers

This panel is fourth from left. 

At top is a black-and-white photo of César With his family. The caption reads, "With Helen and six of their children, 1969. Chávez’s devotion to family and his strong Catholic faith stayed with him for life." The photo was taken outdoors with several palm trees in the distance behind them. On the right stands César. Helen stands next to him. Their three older daughters stand in a back row next to Helen. In front of them in a row sit César and Helen’s three younger children with the two boys on either side. All are smiling. 

Below a title reads, "A Voice for Farm Workers"

Below the title text reads, "After 10 years as a community organizer, where he worked throughout California with Dolores Huerta, Gilbert Padillo, and other activists, Chávez was ready to pursue his dream of a farm workers’ union. He of all people understood the cycle of poverty that had trapped farm workers for generations. In 1962, Chávez left his secure job and moved with Helen and their eight young children to Delano. There, Chávez, Huerta, Padilla, Manuel Chávez, Jim Drake, and Julio Hernandez founded the National Farm Workers Association (NFWA), renamed the United Farm Workers in 1966."

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IMAGE and TEXT: March Toward Unity



This panel is fifth from left.

At top is a black-and-white photo. The caption reads, "Dolores Huerta and Larry Itliong, his close associates in the movement." In this close-up photo, Delores is on the left and Larry on the right. They face us and look ahead. An unidentified man is behind them looking towards the right.

Above the photo is the word in large red type "Huelga." The caption reads, "Above: Huelga, ”Strike.”

At lower right of the photo is a separate color photo of a red protest button with a black geometric image of an eagle and the words in black, "Boycott Lettuce."

A title reads, "March Toward Unity"

Text below the title reads, "In 1965 Larry Itliong led Filipino American grape workers in a strike against growers. They were soon joined by the NFWA and other unions, college students, church groups, civil rights leaders, and others. The landmark strike led to a consumer boycott and a 300-mile march from Delano to Sacramento—the longest protest march in US history. 

"It also led to the nation’s first union contracts between farm workers and growers, securing better pay, health benefits, protections against pesticides, and safer working conditions."

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IMAGE and TEXT: A Legacy of ”We”

This last panel is sixth from left.

At top is a black-and-white photo. The caption reads, "Ending his 1968 fast, with Helen and Sen. Robert F. Kennedy." In the photo, seated outdoors from left to right are: Helen Chávez wearing a white lace mantilla or scarf over her head, Robert F. Kennedy, and César Chávez. Kennedy is handing something to César.

A title reads, "A Legacy of 'We'"

Beneath the title text reads, "Energized by their success, the UFW used strikes, boycotts, marches, hunger fasts, education, and other nonviolent tactics to change laws and lives. Among their foremost achievements was California’s Agricultural Labor Relations Act of 1975, the first state law to recognize collective bargaining rights for farm workers. 

"Chávez continued to work until the day he died, April 23, 1993. A common man with an uncommon vision, César Chávez stood for equality, justice, and dignity for all Americans. His voice is as compelling today as during his lifetime."

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Side Two Overview

The vertical black band at far left contains white text that reads, "Welcome to La Paz".

The opened brochure is divided into six sections, or panels, bounded by the folds. The four left panels contain text in both English and Spanish as well as photos with captions. The two right panels contain a map of the national monument. 

Running across the bottom of the four left panels is a single horizontal color photo of the grounds of the national monument. The caption reads, "Walking trail at La Paz." This photo fades toward the top into the background of the brochure where the columns of text are placed. The photo features the vegetation, mostly low growing grasses, along the edge of a dirt path lined with small rocks.

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IMAGE and TEXT: Introduction

This is the panel at far left. 

At top is a color photo of a group of men and women holding American flags. The caption reads, "New citizens celebrate after naturalization ceremony." 

Below the photo, text reads, first in Spanish, then in English, "We can choose to use our lives for others to bring about a better and more just world for our children. —César Estrada Chávez."

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IMAGE and TEXT: Place of Action, Place of Refuge

This is the panel second from left.

At top are two color photos. One of a red and a yellow rose and the other of a concrete sculpture and wall fountain. The caption for both photos reads, "César E. Chávez rose and yellow Peace rose in La Paz garden. Wall fountain with relief sculpture evoking farm workers' march."

The sculpture on top of the wall fountain in the photo has a rounded top. On the face near the top a sun is etched. Below the sun is a row of human figures. Below the row of human figures is the top of the base wall from which five streams of water pour from horizontal slits into a small pond. Below the photos a title reads, "Place of Action, Place of Refuge." 

Below the title text reads, "Since 1971, Nuestra Señora Reina de la Paz has been the United Farm Workers (UFW) headquarters and home to the Chávez family. During the last quarter-century of César’s life, thousands of farm workers and supporters came here to set strategy, plan boycotts, learn how to run their union, celebrate milestones, mourn losses, and look ahead.

"La Paz was also a welcome respite from the bitter—sometimes violent—struggles on the front lines of the movement. Here, Chávez built community and refreshed his spirit and resolve."

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TEXT: Planning Your Visit

This is the panel third from left. 

At top is a painted portrait of Chávez and a color photo of his office. These images and their captions are described in detail under their own section.

Below is a title that reads, "Planning Your Visit."

The text below the title reads, "This is a new national park area managed by the National Park Service and the nonprofit National Chávez Center. Visitor services and programs will continue to develop in the coming years. 

"The park is open daily 10 am to 4 pm; closed on major federal holidays. The visitor center has photos and exhibits, including Chávez’s preserved UFW office. The memorial garden surrounds the burial site of César and Helen Chávez. Enjoy walking around the grounds, but please respect the privacy of the people who live and work here."

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Portrait and Office Descriptions

The caption for both images above the “Plan Your Visit” text reads, "Portrait of Chávez, with pesticide protests in background. Chávez's office is preserved exactly as it was during his lifetime."

In portrait, Chávez's head and shoulders take up the majority of the foreground and center of the painting. He smiles directly at us. Gray hair on the sides of his head contrasts with black hair on top. He wears a yellow and red plaid shirt. In the background are crop fields extending back toward a mountain range and sky. The painting is structured so that on closer examination, the viewer realizes that the large compositional elements--facial features, shirt, background--are formed from much smaller elements. His face, hair, and shirt are human faces interspersed with signs protesting the use of pesticides. Behind him on the left are horizontal rows of bodies shrouded in blue, yellow, and white curving toward the rear. Farther left are rows of skulls curving into the distant background. Above them a plane spews a white jet of pesticides. On the right of Chávez is a long row of sign-carrying protesters curving toward the horizon, as do therows of green crops farther to the right. In the background, jagged blue-gray mountains rise into an orange, red and blue sky. Rays of light shine down through white cloud circles in the center. Around the outermost white circle is a semicircle of crosses, and beneath them is a parallel semicircle of ghostly pink and gray angels. At right, birds soar from the right towards the crosses. 

To the right of the painting is a color photo of Chávez’s office. Furnishings include a table on the left. In the center at an angle is a lawn chair with rockers. A black jacket hangs off the back. A cluttered desk is next to it on the right of the photo. Windows in the background have closed white blinds. The surface of the table and desk are filled with books, framed photos, papers and other items. Two Catholic figurines are seen--a smaller one on top of the table and a colorful statue of Mary standing on the floor.

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OVERVIEW: More Information

This is the panel fourth from the left.

At top is a color photo of the interior of a wooden shack. The caption reads, "Reproduction migrant shack." In the photo the unfinished walls have religious objects on them. On top of the simple bed is a worn pair of jeans draped over the foot of the bed, a red work shirt, and a straw hat. 

 Below the photo a title reads, "More Information."

Text below the title reads, "César E. Chávez National Monument is one of over 400 parks in the National Park System. To learn more about parks and National Park Service programs in America’s communities, visit www.nps.gov. César E. Chávez National Monument 29700 Woodford-Tehachapi Rd. Keene, CA 93531 661-823-6134 www.nps.gov/cech"

Below the Spanish text is a logo for the National Park Foundation and the following text: “Join the park community. www.nationalparks.org.

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The map fills the last two panels from the left--panels five and six. A safety message explains that the tracks for the Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway surrounding the east and north sides of the park are active. Visitors are directed to stay off the tracks.

The map is oriented with north at the top, east at right, etc. It shows the extent of the César E. Chávez National Monument and a small portion of the surrounding area. The distance scale indicates the site to be about one-half mile square. Southwest of the park is the town of Keene where there is the Keene Cafe and Post Office. Keene is exit 139 off of Route 58. The Wooford-Tehachapi Road runs through the town.

Points of interest labeled from bottom to top and traveling south to north along the park road, which is on the far east side of the park, include the park entrance followed by the Visitor Center, Gravesite, César E. Chávez Memorial Garden, and the Desert Garden. Parking, a picnic area, restrooms and information are available in the vicinity. Continuing north is the United Farm Workers/Cesar Chavez Foundation Headquarters. Parking is available. Further north is the parking area for the Villa La Paz, The Martyrs Rock, and Peace Pole. 

These sites are located near the driving road. West of this road, a network of walking roads and trails makes up the rest of the center section of the park. The western section is open space with only one walking road that leads out of the park, eventually connecting to the Woodford-Tehachapi Road in Keene.

On the map, the park area is shaded in light green. The background is light beige. Roads and parking lots are shown in bright white. Structures are an orange-brown. Walking trails are green dotted lines. Walking roads are a dull white. The railroad just outside the park boundary is a black line with "cross ties." Pictographs indicate the locations of information, the picnic area, parking, and restrooms.

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