Parks Canada - National Brochure (English)

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OVERVIEW: About this Audio-Described Brochure

Welcome to the audio-described version of Parks Canada's 2019 National official print brochure. Through text and audio descriptions of photos, illustrations, and a map, this version interprets the nine-paged color brochure used for trip planning. The brochure gives an overview of possible Parks Canada experiences and activities, highlights interesting facts, and offers information for planning your visit. This audio version lasts about 57 minutes which we have divided into individual page sections, as a way to improve the listening experience. 

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IMAGES AND TEXT: Brochure Cover

IMAGE 1 of 3: Person in Jasper National Park

DESCRIBING: A large, vertical photograph that fills the entire page. 

DESCRIPTION: The title reads “450 000 square kilometres of Memories. Parks Canada discover, connect, protect."

This a photo taken in Jasper National Park, located in the Rocky Mountains in Alberta. The photo covers the entire page with the title placed at the top of the page.

Standing on some larger rocks on the rocky shore of a small lake is an adult, standing in the foreground of the photo with their back to the camera, their arms at their sides and looking up at the night sky out over the lake. The person is dressed in dark pants, hiking boots, a neon green jacket and holding a pair of dark coloured gloves in their right hand. The person is also wearing a large blue backpack, and a headlamp glows red on their forehead but casts a soft blue beam of light a short distance up into the night sky. The sky is lit up with Northern Lights which glow a greenish turquoise in the sky but are reflected as a bright green on the smooth surface of the lake. As the Northern Lights fade into a deep navy night sky at the top of the page, stars appear as tiny dots of light, which are in contrast to the navy sky but barely visible behind the glow of the Northern Lights.

Just beyond the shoreline on the far side of the lake is a band of spruce trees that span the width of the image. On the right, beyond the spruce trees and to the right of where the person is standing, gently sloped mountains rise up and a small patch of snow can be seen. To the left of the person, beyond the spruce trees and in the distance, a snow capped mountain peak is barely visible. On the far left of the image, an historic ranch known as the Palisades Centre is lit up and glows from behind the line of spruce trees, almost disguised as the rising moon in this picture. The actual moon is not seen in this image.

CAPTION: Jasper National Park

RELATED TEXT: Parks Canada. Discover. Connect. Protect.

IMAGE 2 of 3: Parks Canada icon

DESCRIBING: A small, cut-out illustration in black and white that is part of Parks Canada's corporate identity. 


This is an illustration of Parks Canada's logo, which is a beaver, perched on a log, facing to the left. The beaver's tail is cross hatched. The beaver is inside a white circle, and the tip of the log extends just beyond the circle's edge on the left side. 

RELATED TEXT: 450,000 square kilometres of memories.

IMAGE 3 of 3: Canadian flag icon

DESCRIBING: A small, cut-out illustration in black and white that is part of Parks Canada's corporate identity.


At the bottom of the page is a black band that runs the width of the page and contains Parks Canada's official word mark, signalling this is an official publication. The Canadian flag is shown as two vertical white bands on either side of a white maple leaf. The word Canada also appears in white and features a very small version of the Canadian flag in white above the last letter "a". 

CAPTION: Parks Canada written in both English and French. 

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TEXT: Parks Canada at a Glance


This page is an Infographic and shows 13 white icons and one red icon, each paired with facts about Parks Canada. The icons and text are overlaid on a very faded image that just barely shows rock and trees, which serves as a grey background. 

Fact 1 of 14: 171 National Historic Sites.

Fact 2 of 14: More than 24 million visitors a year.

Fact 3 of 14: 46 National Parks.

Fact 4 of 14: 1 National urban park.

Fact 5 of 14: 12 of 18 Canada's world heritage sites.

Fact 6 of 14: Lead partner in the discovery of both of the Franklin expedition ships.

Fact 7 of 14: 4 National marine conservation areas.

Fact 8 of 14: 450,000 km2 area protected by Parks Canada.

Fact 9 of 14: Highest tides in the world.

Fact 10 of 14: 1st National Park Service in the world.

RELATED TEXT: On behalf of the people of Canada, we protect and present nationally significant examples of Canada’s natural and cultural heritage, and foster public understanding, appreciation and enjoyment in ways that ensure the ecological and commemorative integrity of these places for present and future generations.

Fact 11 of 14: 45+ Wildlife crossings.

Fact 12 of 14: The world's largest beaver dam. It can be seen from space!

Fact 13 of 14: Our largest park is bigger than Switzerland.

Fact 14 of 14: 600+ red Adirondack chairs placed at viewpoints across the country.  #sharethechair.

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IMAGES AND TEXT: Icons and statistics

DESCRIPTION: This page presents 13 white icons and one red icon each paired with facts about Parks Canada. The icons and text are overlaid on a very faded image that just barely shows rock and trees, which serves as a grey background. This is an infographic and the icons are simply an example of something that could represent the fact they accompany. 

Image 1 of 14: Hat icon


National Historic Sites are represented by a tall, circular hat with a wide brim.

CAPTION: 171 National Historic Sites.

Image 2 of 14: People icon

DESCRIPTION: Annual visitation is represented by a people icon. This is an icon showing a group of 20 people organized in four rows of five people. Each person is represented by a line drawing of a half oval to represent their body and a small circle on top to represent the head.

CAPTION: More than 24 million visitors a year.

Image 3 of 14: Mountain icon


National Parks are represented by a mountain icon. A jagged line represents the left side of a mountain slope with three conifer trees. The trees appear in the foreground of the image and are about one eighth the size of the mountain slope.

CAPTION: 46 National Parks.

Image 4 of 14: City icon


The National Urban Park is represented by a city icon. A city skyline is drawn in solid white featuring sky scrapers. At the base of the buildings two conifer trees among large rocks are shadow cast in grey.

CAPTION: 1 National urban park.

Image 5 of 14: Unesco building icon


World heritage sites are represented by the Unesco building icon. The top of the icon is a triangle with two lines that form each side of the peak on top and a single line on the bottom as the base, with the words Unesco below the triangle, all in capital letters. Below the word Unesco are three solid rectangular bars, with the top bar being the shortest and then increasing in length.

CAPTION: 12 of 18 Canada's world heritage sites.

Image 6 of 14: Boat icon


Significant marine discoveries are represented by a boat icon. This is a large sail boat that features two masts and a long pole that extends off the front of the boat. The sail boat has two masts and eight sails of various shapes and sizes, resembling squares and triangles. A small flag is mounted to the top of one of the masts.

CAPTION: Lead partner in the discovery of both of the Franklin expedition ships.

Image 7 of 14: Whale tail icon


National Marine Conservation ares are represented by a whale icon. A front profile of a whale tail is drawn above two waves.

CAPTION: 4 National marine conservation areas.

Image 8 of 14: Binocular icon


The area of protected land is represented by a binocular icon. The side profile of a person from the waist up holding binoculars up to their face. A shorter person is directly in front of this person with an arm extended in the same direction the binoculars are pointed.

CAPTION: 450,000 km squared area protected by Parks Canada.

Image 9 of 14: Water icon


Tides are represented by a water icon. Three wavy lines representing waves.

CAPTION: Highest tides in the world.

Image 10 of 14: Parks Canada icon


This is an illustration of Parks Canada's logo, which is a beaver, perched on a log, facing to the left. The beaver's tail is cross hatched. The beaver is inside a white circle, and the tip of the log extends just beyond the circle's edge on the left side.

CAPTION: 1st National Park Service in the world.

RELATED TEXT: On behalf of the people of Canada, we protect and present nationally significant examples of Canada’s natural and cultural heritage, and foster public understanding, appreciation and enjoyment in ways that ensure the ecological and commemorative integrity of these places for present and future generations.

Image 11 of 14: Moose icon


Wildlife crossing are represented by moose icon. A moose walks across a bridge over top of a road.

CAPTION: More than 45 Wildlife crossings.

Image 12 of 14: Beaver dam icon


A beaver dam is made up of many sticks piled in a dome shape.

CAPTION: The world's largest beaver dam. It can be seen from space!

Image 13 of 14: Park map icon


An outline of a national park that looks like an upside down capital letter L. The left hand parts of the border are straight lines and the right hand parts are jagged lines. This is the shape of Wood Buffalo National Park.

CAPTION: Our largest park is bigger than Switzerland.

Image 14 of 14: Red chair icon


This represents viewpoints where chairs have been placed. This is the only icon in red and shows an Adirondack chair. 

CAPTION: More than 600 red chairs.  Hashtag sharethechair

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IMAGES AND TEXT: Adventure Displays

IMAGE 1 of 2: Visitor hiking

DESCRIBING: A medium, vertical photograph.

A visitor dressed in beige shorts, brown hiking boots, a bright green long sleeved shirt and wearing a big blue backpack is seen hiking in a mountainous region in Nahanni National Park. The hiker is looking off to one side smiling and is using a hiking pole, which is grasped in one hand.

Behind the hiker gray rocky cliffs rise up sharply into the sky, which is dominated by white fluffy clouds with only a small patch of blue sky showing at the top right corner. At the base of the rock face to the right of the hiker, short yellow grass creeps up the base of the cliff side and continues into the foreground where it meets the route the hiker is travelling upon. To the left of the hiker is a big grey boulder and to the right longer green grass grows. 

CAPTION: Nahanni National Park Reserve

RELATED TEXT: We are epic adventures!

IMAGE 2 of 2: Kids with mortars and pestles

DESCRIBING: A medium, vertical photograph.


Three smiling kids of different ethnicity and genders are gathered around a wooden pole that shows some carved patterns in it. The kids appear to be young teens. In the background, a patch of grass bordered by trees and shrubs can be seen and a wood building is off to the right. In one hand, each child is holding a large, smooth rounded stone with a shallow indent on the top. In their other hand they are holding a pestle. A white powder can be seen on the bottom of the pestles and the top indented surfaces of the large stones, showing us that the children are starting to carve out the bowl shape of the mortar. Each child is wearing protective eye wear. 

Behind the three children and to the left, an interpreter is dressed in an ankle length dark blue skirt covered by a light blue apron almost as long as the skirt. She wears a white short sleeved top and has a dark red and dark blue sash fastened diagonally across her body and tied in a knot at her hip. She wears glasses, a necklace and a brown woven hat shaped like an upside down bowl. She represents the Indigenous host of this mortar and pestle tool making activity and appears to be speaking to a group of children seated on the ground behind the three prominently featured children. 

CAPTION: Fort Langley National Historic Site

RELATED TEXT: A break from the everyday. 

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DESCRIPTION: This page has a dozen photos of activities, cropped into circular frames, with a photo, an activity name (each with an exclamation point), and a short accompanying text for each. Images will be described in order starting in the top left then moving across each row to the right. 

IMAGE 1 of 12: Beaches!

DESCRIPTION: Two kids are crouched down on a sandy beach. They are facing each other and dressed in shorts and t-shirts. The edge of the water of either a lake or an ocean can be seen behind them and is reflecting the sunlight, making the surface of the water look gold in colour. The lighting in the photo is natural sunlight and casts the entire image in a soft glow. Although the sun is not in the picture the warm glow suggests it's somewhere low on the horizon.

CAPTION: Singing sand and clay-red beaches; flag-topped castles built and washed away in a day; cool wet sand beneath your feet as you run, surfboard under arm, to ride that perfect wave. 

IMAGE 2 of 12: Culture!


A young Indigenous interpreter stands facing the camera and holds a traditional rawhide drum in one hand and a traditional drumstick in the other. He has a serene but focused look on his face and is looking off and slightly up at something out of the frame. His black hair is short and neat and he has no facial hair. He's pictured from the waist up and wears a black, long sleeved button up shirt with only the top button undone. A bright green and red flower decal runs vertically the length of his shirt on the left side. A long decorative necklace hangs down to the bottom of his chest. A large, brightly coloured painted pendant is attached by a colourful beaded chain. The drum is round and flat and the side edge is decorated with a band of ornate designs, which are a dark brown shade that contrasts the light tan colour of the rawhide.  The drumstick is also decorated.

CAPTION: See ancient petroglyphs carved in stone and take a guided walk through 4,000 years of Mi’kmaq history; hear tales of Viking sagas, imagine the clang of the blacksmith’s forge and the crackle of fire.

IMAGE 3 of 12: Science!


A Parks Canada employee in uniform wears a dark green button up shirt and a beige hat with a brim that wraps all the way around, and sunglasses. The employee has a big open mouthed smile as they look at a large crab they are holding up. The crab's face, under side and claws are clearly visible. 

CAPTION: Feel your universe expand as your knowledge grows; see the forest with fresh eyes when you join fellow citizen scientists in a bug count or BioBlitz; help make a powerful difference to species at risk.

IMAGE 4 of 12: Hot Springs!


A visitor is pictured smiling in the hot springs. Their head is above the water and the natural hill side side can be seen in the background beyond the edge of the pool. 

CAPTION: Revive trail-tired limbs in mineral-rich hot springs surrounded by leafy forests of aspen and Douglas fir; lie back in silence and contemplate steam circling towards the sky whilst soaking up a thousands-of years-old tradition.

IMAGE 5 of 12: Biking!


A person rides a fat bike in the snow. The cyclist is standing up on the pedals and is wearing a helmet. 

CAPTION: Pedal past skyscrapers and centuries-old buildings to sunny green spaces along a historic canal route; fat bikes and fresh snowfall are a perfect match, winter won’t stop you powering through fresh powder on two wheels

IMAGE 6 of 12: Wildlife!


A plains bison stands in a yellow grassy field. The bison shows mostly a side profile. He is large and mostly dark brown with a woolly, lighter brown cape that extends into woolly chaps down his front legs. He has a broad rounded hump over his front shoulders.  His head features shaggy dark brown hair and horns that curve upwards. 

CAPTION: Golden fingers of light creep through a tangle of trees as rainbow-hued birds fly in at dawn; see water cascade from a moose’s muzzle as he drinks from a shining pond; watch woolly-coated bison daintily grazing the plains.

IMAGE 7 of 12: Paddling!


Two people standing on paddle boards on the surface of a calm water body. Beyond them the sun peaks over the tip of a mountain and reflects brightly off the surface of the water. 

CAPTION: Hear grey seals bark in the distance and paddle an ancient river route of Indigenous communities and early settlers; make a voyage of adventure, expertly mastering white water rapids along a distant river few will ever see.

IMAGE 8 of 12: Winter fun!


Four people in single file run through the snow in an open area.The leader is smiling. They are all dressed in snow pants, winter jackets, gloves and toques. Around the first three people snow swirls up from the ground as they run. In the background coniferous trees and mountains are seen.

CAPTION: Fresh snow sparkles in the sunshine; a million icy diamonds shimmer before you; how will you conquer the cold today? Ski or snowshoe, toboggan or ice skates? With hot chocolate at the end, winter workouts bring their own reward.

IMAGE 9 of 12: Hiking!


This is a close up image, taken from behind, of a person hiking on a rocky surface near some water. Only the bottom portion of their legs is shown. The leg closest to the camera is blurred, giving the impression of movement. 

CAPTION: Where will your hike take you? Sloping mountains and rushing waterfalls; dense rainforest and misty peaks; endless prairie skies and blazing sunsets; the earth’s mantle beneath your feet and adventure on the horizon.

IMAGE 10 of 12: Eating!


An interpreter in a white dress and white bonnet passes a shot glass of rum to one of two visitors seated at a wooden table. Both visitors and the interpreter are smiling broadly. Four other shot glasses of rum can be seen on a tray in front of the interpreter. Behind the visitors a large wooden barrel can be seen. Metal accessories are also on table, including two candlesticks, a  pitcher, and three cups. 

CAPTION: Tempting scents waft from the cookhouse door, follow your nose for a pasture-to-plate dinner cooked over a wood-fired stove; toast the day with a storied spirit and discover a rum-soaked history and toast the day with a spirit aged in barrels within a Fortress

IMAGE 11 of 12: Picnics!


In the foreground is a wicker picnic basket with a red and white checkered table cloth tucked between the basket and the handle. The Parks Canada beaver logo appears in black on the table cloth. The picnic basket sits on a rock surface and two visitors can be seen in the background, with their backs to the camera, sitting on the rock's edge. They look at each other rather than out over the water in front of them. Above, the sky is a bright blue with soft white clouds. 

CAPTION: Historic meals happen in historic surroundings, feast with friends and soak up the atmosphere; golden sand between your toes, no lunch ever tasted so good as a picnic packed with happiness, watching waves kiss the shore.

IMAGE 12 of 12: Scuba!


A snorkeler appears just below the surface of the water facing the camera and wears a mask, a snorkel and a wetsuit. The person is in shallow, blueish green water and both the bottom and the surface can be seen. 

CAPTION: Dive beneath the waves to explore historic shipwrecks and submerged caves; slip on your snorkel and leisurely discover what lies just below the surface, see dancing seaweed, darting fish and vivid colored sea stars.

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IMAGES AND TEXT: Staying the Night? We've Got You Covered!


This page has two larger square shaped images (showing tent and RV camping, and backcountry camping), plus nine smaller horizontal images offering additional accommodation options. 

IMAGE 1 of 11: Tent and RV Camping.


Two smiling adult campers are poised in front of a campfire. One visitor sits on a camp chair roasting a marshmallow on a long metal stick while the other is crouched down next to the chair holding a light blue mug. The fire burns in a rectangular metal fire box with a slotted grate. The grate is raised in a vertical position, rather than horizontal for cooking. It's not yet dark out, the natural lighting is dim. Just behind the campers is a tent. Behind the tent, short deciduous trees grow in front of tall coniferous trees. Camping gear from a neighbouring site can be seen through the deciduous trees in the background. 

CAPTION: From $ 15.70 per night. Stay close to nature at one of our wonderful campsites – at your preferred comfort level. 

IMAGE 2 of 11: Backcountry Camping


One smiling person sits on a wooden platform at the rocky summit of a mountain. There are two small tents on the platform, the one at the left of the person is orange and the other on the right is smaller and beige. One red backpack with hiking sticks attached to it is placed on the ground beside the person and another grey backpack is on the other side. At the summit of the mountain where the person is camping, there is a mix of yellow and green grass, boulders of different sizes and three patches of snow, one bigger than the other two. A steep, rocky mountain without trees and a bit of snow can be seen in the background. The sky is blue with a few clouds.

CAPTION: From $ 9.80 per night. The ultimate in overnight adventure: just you, your tent and the great outdoors, far from the beaten path.

IMAGE 3 of 11: oTENTik


A smiling family of four is eating at a picnic table in front of two oTENTik tents, which are A frame tents available for visitors in many Parks Canada places. The tent has a wooden frame and canvas roof and walls. It has a standard sized door, two windows and three steps to reach the front deck. One parent is cooking on a camp stove while the other three members are eating fruits. The area with the two tents is fairly open and a grass lawn is partially visible, deciduous trees are seen behind the tents.

CAPTION: From $ 90 per night. The perfect mix of tent and A frame cabin comes together in our oTENTik with its raised floors and cosy beds, great for campers who want a little extra comfort in the wild.

IMAGE 4 of 11: Cabin


A rustic wooden cabin is surrounded by mature trees. Two people sit in red Adirondack chairs on the second and largest tier of the extended deck at the side of the cabin. Both people are looking at each other and are holding a glass of wine. It could be assumed that the sun is setting because the shade of the mature trees can be seen on the cabin and there is the reflection of the sun in one of the two side windows. There is also a picnic table on the upper tier of the deck, which is the smallest of the three tiers. The lower tier is met by a path made of large rocks.

CAPTION: From $ 70 per night. Cottage life at its best with a rustic home away from home in the woods. Sweet dreams for 2 to 12 happy campers.

IMAGE 5 of 11: Micro Cube


Two smiling adults are taking a selfie in front of the Micro Cube. This is a small wood appearance cabin in the shape of a cube. The door is red with an almost full sized window that has been shaded red to improve privacy. There is also a square deck with one step at the entrance. A window that stretches from floor to ceiling makes up one side of the cube. The window is divided in four parts and the two upper parts are bigger than the lower ones. The Micro Cube is surrounded by coniferous trees.

CAPTION: From $ 90 per night. Get super cosy in a Micro Cube, the designer way to score a window over the wilderness, while sleeping with a roof over your head and a floor beneath your feet.

IMAGE 6 of 11: Yurt

DESCRIPTION: One person is lying on a bed to take a picture of three other smiling people who sit at a small round table inside a yurt. This circular accommodation is built of canvas with a wooden trellis frame that can be seen in the picture. All the inside furniture is made of wood. In addition to the photographer's bed to the left in the photo, there is a bunk bed with a ladder on the right side and a pantry with some stored lamps. Three coats hang on hooks on the wall beside the door.

CAPTION: From $ 70 per night. Live life without corners in a circular yurt! This traditional dwelling of Central Asian nomads is just right for a night of camping with a dash of homelike comfort.

IMAGE 7 of 11: Equipped Camping

DESCRIPTION: Two kids are seen in the open door of a green tent in the background while three adults are beside the fire pit in the foreground. A similar green tent is installed beside the tent with the kids. One adult is crouched down next to the fire pit,the fire burns in a rectangular metal fire box with a slotted grate. The grate is raised in a vertical position, rather than horizontal for cooking. The other two adults are sitting on blue and yellow Adirondack chairs smiling at each other. There is a picnic table beside them with a white and red checkered tablecloth and green dishes.

CAPTION: From $ 55 per night. No gear? No problem! Now you can rent the whole kit and caboodle thanks to our partnership with Mountain Equipment Co Op in an equipped campsite. Ideal for stress free vacays and those who want to travel light.

IMAGE 8 of 11: Historic stay


Two people are cooking over a campfire in front of a large stone building of the Fortress of Louisbourg National Historic Site. One person roasts hotdogs on a roasting stick, while the other is toasting the buns using another kind of roasting stick. A third person is taking a drink while the fourth person is sitting beside a camp stove. Both are looking at the smiling cooks.

The exterior cladding of the building behind them is made of rocks. There are also two rows of windows with red shutters and multiple red brick chimneys.

CAPTION: From $ 21.50 per night. Immerse yourself in one of Canada’s national treasures with a very special overnight stay in truly historic surroundings.

IMAGE 9 of 11: Oasis


A blue water drop shaped accommodation called an Oasis is shown on a wooden planked hexagonal deck, along with two blue Adirondack chairs. The Oasis has a wooden Dutch door and the upper part of the door is open, showing the trees behind the unit through a window on the opposite wall. A window on the right side of the Oasis is in the raised, open position. The accommodation is made of blue steel with a few black vertical seams between each triangular section, allowing the structure to take on a bulbous base shaped like a water droplet.

CAPTION: From $ 90 per night. Make it a memorable family experience or couple’s getaway in a teardrop shaped ‘duplex’ tent, with a sofa bed on the main level and suspended hammock loft above.

IMAGE 10 of 11: Overnight mooring

DESCRIPTION: Rideau Canal National Historic Site in the heart of Ottawa is shown. The sun seems almost completely set since the sky is a mix of dark and pale blue and some lights are shining from the surrounding buildings and street lights are on along the pathway that borders the canal. Motorboats are parked on both sides of the canal. The towers of the parliament building can be seen in the background.

CAPTION: From $ 0.90 per foot per night. Have a unique nautical experience by mooring your boat in one of Canada’s historic canals. Relax and enjoy activities nearby.

IMAGE 11 of 11: Tipi

DESCRIPTION: Two people stand beside a tipi, looking up at the stars that dot the night sky above. The tipi is built of a white canvas wrapped around wooden poles arranged in a conical shape. There is light inside the tipi. The tipi is in an area with no trees, the grass is dark green, the ground is flat and the horizon appears limitless, stretching out far into the background. In the distance the sky glows a yellow-green before gradually changing to dark blue.

CAPTION: From $ 45 per night. Traditional nomadic home of the Plains peoples, sleep soundly under the canvas, your dreams following the path of your tipi poles which connect the earth to the sky.

RELATED TEXT: Don’t miss out. Reserve today! parkscanada.gc.

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IMAGES AND TEXT: Buy Your Parks Canada Discovery Pass

IMAGE 1 of 3: Parks Canada icon

DESCRIBING: A small, cut-out illustration in black and white.


This is an illustration of Parks Canada's logo, which is a beaver, perched on a log, facing to the left. The beaver's tail is cross hatched. The beaver is inside a white circle, and the tip of the log extends just beyond the circle's edge on the left side.

CAPTION: 450,000 km2 of memories. 

IMAGE 2 of 3: Person in Jasper National Park (the same image as the brochure cover)

DESCRIBING: A medium, vertical photograph.


This a photo taken in Jasper National Park, located in the Rocky Mountains in Alberta. The photo covers the entire page with the title placed at the top of the page.

Standing on some larger rocks on the rocky shore of a small lake is an adult, standing in the foreground of the photo with their back to the camera, their arms at their sides and looking up at the night sky out over the lake. The person is dressed in dark pants, hiking boots, a neon green jacket and holding a pair of dark coloured gloves in their right hand. The person is also wearing a large blue backpack, and a headlamp glows red on their forehead but casts a soft blue beam of light a short distance up into the night sky. The sky is lit up with Northern Lights which glow a greenish turquoise in the sky but are reflected as a bright green on the smooth surface of the lake. As the Northern Lights fade into a deep navy night sky at the top of the page, stars appear as tiny dots of light, which are in contrast to the navy sky but barely visible behind the glow of the Northern Lights.

Just beyond the shoreline on the far side of the lake is a band of spruce trees that span the width of the image. On the right, beyond the spruce trees and to the right of where the person is standing, gently sloped mountains rise up and a small patch of snow can be seen. To the left of the person, beyond the spruce trees and in the distance, a snow capped mountain peak is barely visible. On the far left of the image, an historic ranch known as the Palisades Centre is lit up and glows from behind the line of spruce trees, almost disguised as the rising moon in this picture. The actual moon is not seen in this image.

IMAGE 3 of 3: Parks Canada discovery pass

A medium, cut-out photograph.


This is an image of an actual Parks Canada Discovery pass, which is rectangular in shape with a round cut out and a narrow slit so you can hang it from the rear view mirror of your vehicle. The pass is a bright plum colour and features the Parks Canada beaver logo in white. Behind the beaver logo, the background of the pass has light plum ornate decorations that include leaves and swirls.

RELATED TEXT: A pass gets you: admission for a full year to Parks Canada places from coast to coast, faster entry, and exceptional value.

Adult (Ages 18 to 64) costs $ 67.70. Senior (Ages 65 and more) costs $ 57.90. Youth (Ages 17 and under) are FREE. Family/Group costs $ 136.40.

Start planning your adventure at

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TEXT: 10 Tips for Making the Most of Your Visit

Tip 1: Plan Ahead – With 46 national parks, 1 national urban park, 171 national historic sites and 4 national marine conservation areas there is a lot to discover from coast-to-coast-to-coast. Start planning your adventure!

Tip 2: Discover somewhere new – Some of Parks Canada’s favourite places will be busy this year. Explore hidden gems in places that are a bit unknown to get away from it all.

Tip 3: Travel in the shoulder seasons – Spring and fall are both exciting and beautiful seasons to explore Canada’s national treasures. Watch life come to bloom or change colours right before your eyes.

Tip 4: Have a winter adventure – For a true Canadian experience, there are many kinds of winter activities available in Parks Canada places. From cozy horse-drawn sleigh rides to skating on the world’s longest skating rink.

Tip 5: Travel midweek – Avoid the weekend rush, especially long weekends. Travel during the week when the crowds are quieter.

Tip 6: Reserve your spot – You can reserve a campsite or a variety of other accommodation options ahead of time by using the Parks Canada Reservation Service. Accommodations are easier to come by in the shoulder seasons.

Tip 7: Go on a special tour – To get a more exclusive experience, take in a guided tour or hike and listen to thrilling stories from those who know the parks and sites best!

Tip 8: Be an early bird – Get out early in the day. Birds and other wildlife are most active at this time; and the lighting makes for fabulous photos. It can feel like you have the whole place to yourself.

Tip 9: Explore at twilight – Many animals rest during midday and can be seen traveling at dusk. There is a greater chance of seeing wildlife at these times. Remember to give animals the space they need. Your responsible behavior contributes to their survival – and your own safety.

Tip 10: Be a night owl – Many Parks Canada places are designated as Dark-Sky Preserves. Enjoy the night sky in all its wonder. Don’t forget to make a wish on a shooting star!

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IMAGES: Park Activities

DESCRIBING: Seven small, horizontal and vertical images, connected side by side above the map on this page that create a strip of photographs.

IMAGE 1 of 7: Elk Island National Park gathering 


Three smiling visitors sit on a park bench while a fourth stands just behind the bench, leaning on the backrest. Draped over the seat and back rest of the bench is a Hudson's Bay Company blanket, featuring broad green, red and yellow stripes on a light cream coloured background.  Although it's a bright day out and green leafed trees can be seen in the background, all four of the visitors are dressed in long pants. One is wearing a cream coloured wool sweater with a red pattern and is playing an acoustic guitar; another is wearing a red and black plaid flannel jacket and the other two are wearing zip up jackets, one in bright purple the other in dark green. 

CAPTION: Elk Island National Park.

IMAGE 2 of 7: Visitor on horseback


A close up photo of a smiling visitor sitting on a horse, gazing down at the horse while patting its shoulder. The rider has straight, long brown hair and is wearing a black ball cap, black pants and a long sleeved red and black plaid button up shirt. The horse is a dark chocolate brown colour with a very small white spot in the middle of its forehead. 

CAPTION: Grasslands National Park. 

IMAGE 3 of 7: Two Parks Canada employees in the sand


Two Parks Canada employees are kneeling in the sand looking down, one is positioned behind and to the left of the other. They are both in uniform, which are grey coloured pants paired with dark green short sleeved shirts. One of them also wears a grey hat with a brim that wraps all the way around and black rimmed glasses. The employee in the foreground is examining green vegetation growing in the sand, while the employee in the background uses a pencil to write notes on a clipboard. Dark green shrubs appear in the background. 

CAPTION: Pacific Rim National Park Reserve. 

IMAGE 4 of 7: Kids in the sand


Four elementary school aged kids play in the sand and are photographed at close proximity from above. They are all smiling, some with open mouths and squinted eyes, suggesting they might be laughing. They are all laying on the beach, one child holds a small, empty bucket and one child has been completely buried in the sand except for their head. The other three are dressed in long sleeved burqinis, one suit is completely black and the other two are black with neon pink sleeves. Two of the children's burqinis include black head coverings. 

CAPTION: Pukaskwa National Park 

IMAGE 5 of 7: Kids roasting marshmallows


A close up image of two kids roasting marshmallows over an open fire. The children are small, suggesting they might be around six or seven years old. The child on the left has brown hair tied back in a pony tail and is wearing a grey and purple striped sweater and dark pants. The child on the right has short brown hair, black rimmed glasses and is wearing a sky blue sweater featuring black stripes and a splash of bright yellow near one shoulder. Both children are focused intently on the marshmallow pierced on the end of the sticks they are using to roast them. The marshmallows are still white, suggesting they have only just begun to roast them. The circular edge of a fire pit is in the foreground and the terrain where the children sit is a section of rocky shoreline. In the background there is a green, grassy patch that leads to dark green coniferous trees further back. The sky appears white with a couple of light grey bands of clouds, giving the appearance the sun is bright but not high in the sky. 

CAPTION: Mingan Archipelago National Park Reserve.

IMAGE 6 of 7: Man and woman dressed in Mi’gmaq clothing


Two Mi’gmaq First Nations interpreters are pictured. Standing at an angle to the camera, a Mi'gmaq woman stands with her hands coming together at chest height, she appears to be clapping. She looks off to the side, making only half of her face visible. Her face is animated, her mouth open and the apple of her cheek pops, giving the impression she is smiling.  She's dressed in a long, short sleeved red dress with white detailing throughout and three thin stripes circling the right sleeve cuff. One stripe is gold, followed by a white stripe and a dark blue stripe is nearest the cuff. Draped over the dress is a long, fringed, tan coloured leather shawl. Some fringes hang down past her knees while others hang down to her midriff. She has long black hair and wears a white, decorated headband around her head that sits low on her forehead near her brow line. Seated next to her and facing the camera is a Mi'gmaq man who looks off in the same direction the woman looks. He sits with his shoulders held straight but relaxed, his forearms rest on his thighs and his hands are clasped together in a relaxed fashion  in front of his body. He smiles so broadly creases form in his cheeks on either side of his mouth. His grey tunic and blue pants are complemented by multi coloured fringes, patterns and stripes in shades of yellow, red, blue, orange, green and white. He has short dark hair and wears a headband that features a large, flat, bright blue flower cut out that fills his entire forehead. The band extends down either side of his face, just in front of his ears. He wears light green cuffs on each forearm that extend from wrist to half way up to his elbow. In the background, the base of a cream coloured Wigwam can be seen. 

CAPTION: Kouchibouguac National Park 

IMAGE 7 of 7: Visitors canoeing


Two visitors in a bright yellow canoe paddle down a river. The water is clear in some spots and where it churns, it appears white giving the impression it's moving quickly. The river follows the base of a grey rock face topped with dark green vegetation. The sky above is blue with a couple of small, white fluffy clouds that peak out from behind the rock wall. The canoe features a red and blue airbags strapped down with black straps. The paddler in front wears a white helmet, sunglasses, an orange jacket underneath a red life jacket and holds a black oar out of the water at chest height. The paddler in the back wears a blue helmet, sunglasses, a purple jacket under a blue life jacket and has the oar in the water next to the canoe. 

CAPTION: Nááts'įhch'oh National Park Reserve.

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MAP: Parks of Canada

DESCRIBING: A large, horizontal map that covers the entire page.


This is a map of Canada which shows provincial and territorial boundaries and 138 Parks Canada locations. Canada is comprised of 10 provinces and three northern territories. One third of those territories are islands. Canada appears in pale grey and each province and territory is labelled.  The surrounding areas, which are Greenland and Iceland to the northeast, Alaska in the northwest and the United States of America to the south are in dark grey.

The legend organizes information by province or territory, and again by site type. Sites may be national parks, national historic sites, national marine conservation areas, national urban parks, or other. Site types are colour coded and numbered. National parks are numbered in green; national historic sites in red; national marine conservation areas in blue; national urban parks in purple, and other in maroon. The map shows the location of 46 national parks; 87 national historic sites; four national marine conservation areas; one national urban park; and one landmark listed as other.

There is an enlarged section of map in a rectangular cut-out that shows a close up of the area between the southern tip of Ontario to the Gulf of St. Lawrence just north of Quebec city. This area features a cluster of national historic sites and 4 national parks that correspond to sites 44 to 78 in the legend.

The majority of sites are located in the southern part of Canada and are only shown as dots on the map. Most national historic sites are located in Ontario, Quebec and the Atlantic region. The bigger parks appear in green as the actual shape of the park. The parks located in the three northern territories are larger than the parks located in the rest of the country and some of them are on islands. 

RELATED TEXT: Certain conditions or additional fees may apply for some sites, please call ahead or visit our website for more information.

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TEXT: Names of All Park Sites Shown on the Map

Newfoundland and Labrador 

1 Torngat Mountains* 

2 Akami-uapishku — KakKasuak—Mealy Mountains (Reserve)* 

3 Red Bay 

4 L’Anse aux Meadows 

5 Port au Choix 

6 Gros Morne 

7 Terra Nova 

8 Ryan Premises 

9 Hawthorne Cottage 

10 Signal Hill 

11 Cape Spear Lighthouse 

12 Castle Hill 

Nova Scotia 

13 Cape Breton Highlands 

14 Alexander Graham Bell 

15 Marconi 

16 Fortress of Louisbourg 

17 Canso Islands 

18 Sable Island (Reserve)* 

19 Halifax Citadel 

20 Prince of Wales Tower 

21 York Redoubt 

22 Kejimkujik 

23 Kejimkujik 

24 Fort Anne 

25 Port-Royal 

26 Grand-Pré 

27 Fort Edward

Prince Edward Island 

28 Green Gables Heritage Place 

29 Skmaqn–Port-la-Joye– Fort Amherst 

30 Province House 

31 Prince Edward Island 

New Brunswick 

32 Kouchibouguac* 

33 Monument-Lefebvre 

34 Fort Beauséjour–Fort Cumberland 

35 Fundy 

36 Carleton Martello Tower 

37 St. Andrews Blockhouse 


38 Forillon 

39 Mingan Archipelago (Reserve) 

40 Battle of the Restigouche 

41 Pointe-au-Père Lighthouse* 

42 Saguenay–St. Lawrence Marine Park 

43 Fort Témiscamingue 

44 Grosse Île and the Irish Memorial* 

45 Lévis Forts 

46 Fortifications of Québec 

47 Saint-Louis Forts and Châteaux 

48 La Mauricie* 

49 Forges du Saint-Maurice 

50 Louis S. St. Laurent 

51 Saint-Ours Canal* 

52 Sir George-Étienne Cartier 

53 Chambly Canal* 

54 Fort Chambly 

55 Fort Lennox 

56 Lachine Canal* 

57 The Fur Trade at Lachine 

58 Sir Wilfrid Laurier 

59 Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue Canal* 

60 Battle of the Châteauguay 

61 Coteau-du-Lac 

62 Carillon Canal* 

63 Manoir Papineau 


64 Laurier House 

65 Rideau Canal* 

66 Fort Wellington 

67 Thousand Islands* 

68 Bellevue House 

69 Trent–Severn Waterway* 

70 Bethune Memorial House 

71 Georgian Bay Islands 

72 Fort George 

73 Queenston Heights* 

74 Rouge 

75 HMCS Haida 

76 Woodside 

77 Point Pelee 

78 Fort Malden 

79 Bruce Peninsula* 

80 Fathom Five National Marine Park 

81 Fort St. Joseph 

82 Sault Ste. Marie Canal 

83 Pukaskwa 

84 Lake Superior National Marine Conservation Area 


85 York Factory 

86 Wapusk* 

87 Prince of Wales Fort* 

88 Lower Fort Garry 

89 St. Andrew’s Rectory 

90 Riel House 

91 The Forks 

92 Riding Mountain Park East Gate Registration Complex 

93 Riding Mountain 


94 Motherwell Homestead 

95 Grasslands 

96 Cypress Hills Massacre 

97 Fort Walsh 

98 Batoche 

99 Prince Albert 

100 Fort Battleford 


101 Elk Island 

102 Waterton Lakes 

103 Bar U Ranch 

104 Banff Park Museum 

105 Cave and Basin 

106 Banff 

107 Rocky Mountain House 

108 Jasper 

109 Wood Buffalo 

British Columbia

110 Yoho 

111 Mount Revelstoke 

112 Glacier 

113 Kootenay 

114 Gulf of Georgia Cannery* 

115 Fort Langley 

116 Gulf Islands (Reserve)

117 Fort Rodd Hill and Fisgard Lighthouse 

118 Pacific Rim (Reserve) 

119 Fort St. James 

120 Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve and Haida Heritage Site* 

120 Gwaii Haanas National Marine Conservation Area Reserve and Haida Heritage Site 


121 S.S. Klondike* 

122 Kluane (National Park and Reserve)* 

123 Dawson Historical Complex* 

124 S.S. Keno* 

125 Vuntut* 

126 Ivvavik* 

Northwest Territories 

127 Pingo Canadian Landmark* 

128 Aulavik* 

129 Tuktut Nogait* 

130 Saoyú- ehdacho* 

131 Nááts’i˛ hch’oh (Reserve)* 

132 Nahanni (Reserve)*  


133 Wrecks of HMS Erebus and HMS Terror* 

134 Qausuittuq* 

135 Ukkusiksalik* 

136 Auyuittuq* 

137 Sirmilik* 

138 Quttinirpaaq*

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IMAGES AND TEXT: Parks Canada Official Merchandise

DESCRIPTION: This page has six ad-like images, with accompanying texts for each. Moving from left to right and top to bottom. 

IMAGE 1 of 6: Two people on the beach

DESCRIBING: A medium, horizontal photograph.

DESCRIPTION: Two people sitting on a log that is on the edge of a sandy beach off of water at Rouge National Urban Park. On the left side of the log is a blue towel with yellow, green, and blue lettering spelling out the word Canada. The person on the left is wearing a black baseball cap with a red Parks Canada logo. The person also has a orange bag between their legs with a black Parks Canada logo on it. The person on the right has a blue Parks Canada shirt on with the words Parks both in English and in French on the top, the Parks Canada logo in the middle, and on the bottom is the word Canada. To the right of the two people is a green canoe that is half in the water and the other half in the sand. Resting on the canoe is two canoe paddles and a bright blue life jacket draped over the side. In the far distance is deciduous trees that are yellow, green, orange, and red. There is also a small white building buried within the trees in the background. 

CAPTION: Rouge National Urban Park

RELATED TEXT: Great souvenirs and apparel available at our places or online at A portion of the proceeds from your online purchase helps to support Parks Canada’s conservation efforts.

IMAGE 2 of 6: Young child holding up a phone

DESCRIBING: A medium, vertical photograph. 

DESCRIPTION: Young child sitting on the ground holding up a phone. The child is grinning ear to ear with its eyes squinting. On the phone is the home screen for Club Parka. The home screen has Parka the Beaver, who is described in the next description, and Chirp who is a yellow duckling with an acorn hat. On the screen it says Photo Mission and then has a list of words on a wooden post that is between the two animals. In the background of the entire image is large trees and a blue sky shinning through. 

RELATED TEXT: Get it on Google Play. Download on the App Store. 

IMAGE 3 of 6: Parka the Beaver illustration

DESCRIBING: A medium, vertical illustration. 

DESCRIPTION: The animated image is of Parka the beaver. Parka is standing on its back two legs and waving. Parka is wearing a yellow bucket hat with the Parks Canada logo, a yellow handkerchief with the word Parka on it, and a green vest with two button pockets on top and two open pockets on the bottom, one with the Parks Canada logo on it. Parka is standing next to a wooden post with two legs and the words Club Parka on it. To the right of this is a yellow triangular tent, green conifer trees, a sun, and a single cloud. The sky is bright blue and the ground has green grass.

RELATED TEXT: Explore with Parka! Discover our places with your family and ... club parka.

IMAGE 4 of 6: Group of people with booklets

DESCRIBING: A medium, vertical photograph. 

DESCRIPTION: The image has three people in it with only a younger child's face being visible. The child is wearing part of a British soldier costume which is a red jacket with rectangle patches going down each side of the zipper with a single circular button on each. The child is smiling and wearing a black hat with a black flower on the side. A man is bending over in front of the child helping put the jacket on. A third person is holding an open Xplorers book that says Make Believe on the top of the page and has a drawing of a French soldier's costume. 

CAPTION: Fort Anne National Historic Site

RELATED TEXT: Xplorers. Parks Canada. Get the booklet. Do the challenges. Get the reward! Available at more than 100 places. 

IMAGE 5 of 6: Bridge over water

DESCRIBING: A medium, horizontal photograph. 

DESCRIPTION: The image is a landscape portrait of a marsh area with a wooden bridge connecting two pieces of land. Starting in the foreground, there is brown, yellow, and green grass. A wooden bridge goes from the center of the image and moves towards the back in a letter Z like shape. The bridge is narrow and lifted out of the water on wooden posts. A dirt trail is crossing the front piece of land that is set under the bridge. At the end of the bridge there are two people on the far piece of land. In the far distance is a dark blue body of water. The sky is a light blue where it meets the water. As the sky travels up the image the blue becomes darker. There is two black iPhones overlaid on the image, which are described in the next description.  

IMAGE 6 of 6: Two phones 

DESCRIBING: A medium, cut-out photograph. 

DESCRIPTION: The image is of two black phones. The screen on one phone shows the Parks Canada app open to a maps page. The screen has a searchable locations list along with pins of on site locations. At the bottom there is different park names with the distance from one's location.

The screen on the other phone shows three people. All three of them are smiling and wearing sunglasses. The person on the left has a towel over their shoulder and the person in the middle is holding a cooler. On the top of the screen is three orange and yellow butterfly stickers which is one of the photo features that is offered in the Parks Canada app.

RELATED TEXT: Discover the Parks Canada app. Your guide to a perfect visit! • Discover new trail map features in many locations • Create personalized itineraries • Find out about BioBlitz activities • Find special events • Discover hidden gems • Create packing lists • Unlock fun photo features

Get it on Google Play. Download on the App Store.

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IMAGES and TEXT: Plan Your Visit

RELATED TEXT: 1-888-773-8888

DESCRIBING:  The first four images are small cut-out illustrations.

IMAGE 1 of 5: Facebook icon


The Facebook icon is a white square with a transparent F which means the F is purple since the background page is purple.

RELATED TEXT: parkscanada

IMAGE 2 of 5: Youtube icon


The Youtube icon is a white rectangle with a small cut out of an arrow tip shaped as a triangle in the centre that shows the purple background of the page through it.

RELATED TEXT: parkscanada

IMAGE 3 of 5: Twitter icon


The Twitter icon is a little white bird with the beak on the right.

RELATED TEXT: parkscanada

IMAGE 4 of 5: Instagram icon


The Instagram icon looks like a camera. It is a square white contour with a white circle inside to represent the camera lens, if looking at the camera straight on. There is also a small white dot on the top right to represent the shutter button. The inside of the camera is purple like the background page.

RELATED TEXT: parks.canada

IMAGE 5 of 5: Child smiling

DESCRIBING: A large, horizontal photograph.


A close up of a young child with curly brown hair and a wide, open-mouthed smile. The little creased pockets under big brown eyes suggest the child is laughing. Pictured from the chest up, the child is wearing a deep red coloured sweater with dark purple ribbons tied in bows down each sleeve. The background of the image is blurred so the focus remains on the child, but in the background the shape of a yellow dome tent on a green patch of grass is recognizable.

CAPTION: Fundy National Park

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IMAGES AND TEXT: Regional Parks Canada Brochures

DESCRIBING: Six, small, vertical photographs aligned in two by three rectangles. These are the front covers of the regional brochures.

IMAGE 1 of 6: The Northern lights

DESCRIPTION: The image shows the northern lights of Wood Buffalo National Park. The effect of the night sky and the northern lights makes coniferous trees look black. There is a strip of trees. The closest trees appear taller than those further away. The bright yellow and green northern lights contrast a dark grey and black sky. The sky looks tie-dyed the way the colours change and blend. The lights appear as a bright streak.

CAPTION: Northern Canada

IMAGE 2 of 6: Visitors kayaking


The picture has been taken at Gulf Island National Park Reserve. In the background there is a beach on the left, an island on the right and mountains in the distance. The horizon spans the image and the sunlight shines through the scattered clouds above the island. In the foreground, a mother is walking into the water and is pushing a tandem kayak while a kid is sitting in the front rowing with her paddle in her hand. Both people are smiling and are wearing a t-shirt with a red life jacket. The upper part of the kayak is orange, the lower part is white and there is a thin black stripe between the two parts. The kayak is positioned diagonally on the dark water and it gives the impression that the photographer had only a few seconds to take the picture before it goes outside of the frame.

CAPTION: Western Canada

IMAGE 3 of 6: Visitors hiking


A family of four are walking on a boardwalk in a dense coniferous forest in Prince Albert National Park. The sun shines on the deciduous seedling undergrowth behind them. The smiling teenager is at the head of the line, followed by her mother who is pushing a stroller with a young toddler. The father is holding the handrail at the end of the line and is smiling at the camera. Everybody has backpacks except for the toddler in the stroller.

CAPTION: Canadian prairies

IMAGE 4 of 6: Visitors looking through binoculars on a beach

DESCRIPTION: A father is behind his child helping him hold the binoculars to his face. The father is laughing and he has his hands on his child's hands that hold the large binoculars. They are on a beach at Pointe Pelee National Park. The sandy beach is lined by deciduous trees on the left and there are some small white capped waves on the right side. The water is turquoise and the sky is blue with a few clouds.

CAPTION: Ontario

IMAGE 5 of 6: Visitors watching the sunset

DESCRIPTION: An adult and child perch on the lower rails on a split rail wooden fence at Fort Témiscamingue National Historic Site. The photo is taken from behind and the child’s arm is raised, pointing at something in the distance. The pair look out over the grassy lakeshore to where the sun is going down behind the clouds and is reflecting on the lake.


IMAGE 6 of 6: Visitors at a picnic table overlooking the water and mountains

DESCRIPTION: A smiling couple is standing beside a picnic table at Terra Nova National Park. The man is serving a cup of coffee to the woman. A propane stove, a thermos, a lamp and a small pot are on the table. A red backpack and a blue backpack are on the bench of the picnic table. Both people are wearing tuques, gloves and sweaters. They are on the seashore and there are two big coniferous trees behind them and small bushes are on the right of the picnic table. There is a big rocky cliff across the water in the background where yellow spots are barely visible and seem to be fall coloured leaves or tamarack contrasting with coniferous trees and the grey cliff.

CAPTION: Atlantic Canada

RELATED TEXT:6 regions to discover. Discover itineraries, conservation activities and Parks Canada staff favorites.Look for these brochures on our website.

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OVERVIEW: Accessibility

Parks Canada offers a variety of activities for those of which accessibility is a factor. We have something for every taste and mobility level! Embark on a scenic hike, camp under the stars or splash around!

Make sure to check the website of the place you’ll be visiting to learn more about our accessible options. Our staff will be happy to help you plan a hassle-free getaway. Memories Await!

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